1st Article
Salivary Diagnostics And Its Implementation In Diagnosis Of Covid19 - Review Article

Authors:Dr. Uma Sudhakar, Arputha Madhalan.C, Anupriya.B, Prabakaran.R
AbstractThe coronavirus disease (COVID-19),epidemic started in Wuhan, caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), has become a major public health challenge around the world. Here, saliva diagnostic testing for COVID-19 is essential to controlling the global pandemic. The use of saliva has various advantages compared to collection of Nasopharyngeal swab. The close contacts involved in swab collection have a risk to healthcare workers, and collection of saliva may reduce this risk. Currently, rapid testing is taking place with the help of nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal swab, bronchoalveolar lavage, sputum, urine, and blood. Saliva is proving to be a promising non-invasive sample specimen for the diagnosis of COVID-19, thus helping to detector the infection and prevent it from further spreading by prompt isolation. The saliva biomarkers have a prospective to be an essential guide in COVID-19 prognosis, making possible the development of sampling procedures. Salivary biomarkers associated with the development and progression of COVID-19 could allow a better distinction between asymptomatic, mild, moderate or advanced disease.
    Download this Article Pages: 55-62

2nd Article
Decision Making On The Treatment Of Endo-Perio Lesion (Resective/Regenerative): A Case Series; A Clinical And Radiographical Study

Authors: Shaik Abdul Cader N.M.A, Sarath Kumar T, Kiran Joseph Fernandez, Abdul Rauf
AbstractAn Endo perio lesion has been one of common clinical entity associated with the tooth. Theinvolvement of both pulpal and periodontal diseases can complicatethe entire diagnosis and treatment planning. The present case series shows the importance of periodontal therapythat includes regeneration of lost periodontium/ resection of roots to provide better prognosis for the affected tooth. The tooth was first endodontically treated andfollowed by periodontal treatment. Post operatively there was evident gain in clinicalattachment level and evident bone fill observed in a cases were treated through regeneration.A better functional, esthetic restoration were seen after the resective treatment.     Download this Article Pages: 63 - 69

3rd Article
Role Of Nanotechnolgy In Periodontics – Review

Authors: Dr.Priyanka.M, Bds, Dr.Agila.S, Mds, Dr.Anitha.V,Mds, Dr.Shanmugam.M, Mds
AbstractNanodentistry a new emergence in dentistry. Nanoparticles have a greater surface area per unit mass so they exhibit much better performance properties. Nanodentistry has a significant role in dental re-naturalization, local anesthesia, teeth hypersensitivity cure, periodontal regeneration, controlled drug delivery, and overall oral health maintenance. Nanotechnology was found to play a role in preventing bone loss on local application of nanostructured doxycycline gel in case of experimental periodontal disease. Nanorobots are nanometers scale robots , which when incorporated in mouthwash or toothpaste continuously remove organic residues and prevent calculus accumulation by continuous and fast movement across the supra and subgingival surfaces.     Download this Article Pages: 70 - 75

4th Article
Role Of Socket Shield Technique In Immediate Implants Placed In The Esthetic Zone – A Case Report

Authors:M. Dr.G.Ulaganathan, Dr.Thanvir Mohamed Niazi, Dr.Catherine Diana, Dr.Senthil Moorthy, Dr.S.Seetha, Dr.Ganesh Mitun
AbstractImmediate implant is a valuable treatment of choice to replace non restorable teeth in the esthetic zone with a success rate of 87.5 to 100%. It has several advantages like minimizing the total treatment time, cost effective, and psycosocial benefits. In spite of the exceptional success rates, horizontal buccal bone resorption of about 56% and corresponding palatal bone resorption of 30% has been documented with respect to immediate implants (1) . These morphometric changes negatively influence the aesthetic outcome of dental implants. The use of modified surgical procedures such as the flapless technique, various hard tissue augmentation procedures, guided bone regeneration (GBR) and titanium reinforced barriers as well as various bone promoting molecules have been tried for bone preservation, with each method having its own benefits and drawbacks. Recently socket-shield technique (SST) otherwise called partial extraction therapy by Hurzeler et al in 2006 was described where buccal segment of the root is retained as a shield in situ, which aids in preserving periodontal attachment apparatus thus preserving the vascularity of buccal bone when compared to other conventional techniques. Here we present a case of non-restorable tooth in the maxillary aesthetic zone managed with placement of immediate implant using socket shield technique and evaluating the hard tissue health and aesthetic outcome (2).     Download this Article Pages: 76-79

5th Article
Evaluation Of Variation In Slot Size Between Commercially Available Bracket Systems:

Authors:Dr.S.S.Indira, Dr.M.M.Varadharaja, Dr.E.Honeysha
AbstractJallikattu (bull embracing) is a traditional game and it is typically practised in India, Tamilnadu. Trauma involved in maxillofacial region due to bull gore attack was less frequently reported. However due to the anatomic nature of mandible this is the more commonly involved in the maxillofacial region. This case report involves the left parasymphysis and right angel fracture of mandible managed with open reduction and miniplate fixation, soft tissue laceration of lower lip was managed with layer by layer closure.      Download this Article Pages:80-86